Browsing All posts tagged under »OBL«

A fellow bloggers well supported Osama Bin Laden discrepancy debate

May 9, 2011


As the title suggest, a fellow blogger, Awakening Tempest, has put together a very well constructed and supported line of argument that dissects the newly released video footage of Osama Bin Laden apparently practicing Al-Qaeda related announcements found on his computer. By using past video footage looked at by experts, Tempest has shown persuasive argument […]

Will Ferrell imitates Bush speaking about Osama’s death, very funny!

May 5, 2011


A very clever spoof on the Bush Vs Obama vs Osama situation that has been playing out over the past few days. It’s a great light hearted parody of recent events that shows how well Will Ferrell can add humour to any situation. Let me know what you think.

The American Government decides against releasing photo of Bin Laden’s dead body

May 5, 2011


Once again the US government has stirred the hornets nest of conspiracy theorist by refusing to release the photo of Osama Bin Laden’s alleged dead body. The spokesperson for the White House has today stated that releasing such a “sensitive” photo would incite further violence. Instead the US is now stating that the DNA evidence […]

US admits Bin Laden wasn’t armed when shot dead

May 4, 2011


New reports have come to surface that Bin Laden was in fact not armed when the Navy Seals team stormed the compound in Abbottabad and shot him in the head. This has been confirmed early this morning by a US spokesman. The US had earlier released statements (released by John Brennan, the presidential adviser) that […]

Did the US violate Pakistan’s sovereignty in it’s raid on OBL?

May 3, 2011


Concerns have been raised over the legallity of the raid on the alleged compound of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad in Pakistans north. Pakistani officials have announced they had no knowledge of the impending attack and were not communicated with at all beforehand. Allegations have been made that the Seal teams had carried out this […]

OBL: No body, no proof

May 3, 2011


Everything that has been reported, every bit of the Osama Bin Laden death story that has spread virally along the fibre optic lines and via satellites globally has been information that has been released by the American government. 24 hours after they’ve claimed they have killed the Al Qaeda leader and no hard evidence or […]

Osama Bin Laden’s alleged death, does it really matter?

May 2, 2011


Following today’s reports by the US that they have allegedly killed Osama Bin Laden in a predatory drone missile attack or special forces team, the real question remains: What difference will this really make? The alleged leader of Al-Qaeda has been hunted by the United States since the events of September 11, 2001, ten years […]

The US claims they’ve killed Osama Bin Laden

May 2, 2011


The United States has today reported that they have located and killed the alleged leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, after a 10 year search following the events of September 11. The US has claimed that Bin Laden was killed, along with 25 others, in a strike by Navy Seals special forces which apparently occured […]