High Profile Lawyers begin to raise questions of Osama’s assasination

Posted on May 6, 2011


As the initial wave of post-Osama assasination celebration begin to subside, the expert’s questions are beginning to be heard. As I keep my finger on the pulse of the highly suspicious tale that smacks of Hollywood production values, I’ve noticed more and more high profile lawyers and QC’s begin to raise questions of the legality of Osama Bin Laden’s death and the conduction of military activities in a foreign country.

Benjamin Ferencz is one such lawyer. At 91, Ferencz is a veteran of many years involved in international lawyer, one his biggest cases being theNuremberg trials of post World War 2. Ferencz has made his concerns known in a letter to the New York Times, stating that just like Hitler, BinLaden was entitled to a fair trial as “That is what seperates us from tyrants,” he said. A sentiment that is quickly growing in around the world. It’s not that Bin Laden should have been allowed to get away with what he has done, it is about showing that in this new world we can uphold the values we are supposedly fighting for in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Geoffrey Robertson a prominent QC in Australia and the United Kingdom has also questioned the validity of the killing in a column in the Syndey Morning Herald with a quote summing up the US reactions as resembling “the land of the munchkins as it celebrates the death of the wicked witch of the East.” Robertson also continues to discuss not only the illegal nature of the entire operation, but also the morale bankruptcy of the US announcing that “justice has been done” when such justice can only be reached in court, not by assasination.

Some very valid points that will need to be addressed in the coming weeks I should think.

For some other views on the Osama Bin Laden execution check some other posts below:

This That and the Other

Awakening Tempest: I think, therefor I am Dangerous

~J.A.D. Woodhouse

Posted in: Think Pieces